How To Make A Mission Style Plant Stand
With the right plans, materials, and equipment, you can build a Plant Stand, as shown here.
- 1" x 12" x 6' Material of Choice (Pine, Oak, etc.): One Piece
- Kreg Screws; 1/4 lb.

- 1 1/2" Wood Screws; 1/4 lb.
- Sandpaper
- Wood Filler and Glue
- Satin Finish Polyurethane Poly

Step 1: Cut the Pieces - Determine the desired size of the Plant Stand
- Select the 1" x 12" x 6' Material: Crosscut the Top, Lower Shelf, Stiles, and Rails per the dimensions above
- Select the Top Panel and Lower Shelf: Using a Band Saw, round off the two, Front Corners of each
- Select the Stile Piece: Rip six pieces @ 1 7/8" for the Stiles
- Select two Stiles: Cross cut them to 14" for the Middle Stiles
- Select the Rail Piece: Rip two @ 2 3/4" for the Top Rails; Rip two @ 2 1/2" for the Bottom Rails
- Sand all Pieces
Step 2: Assemble the Pieces - Select the Plant Stand Pieces
- Select the Pieces; Using the Kreg Pocket Hole Jig System
; drill the holes along the interior edges of the Pieces, as shown above
- Select the Pieces for both Sides; Glue and screw Side Assemblies, as shown above
- Select the Lower Shelf: Drill the Kreg Pocket Holes on the Bottom Side, as shown above
- Select the the Side Assemblies and the Lower Shelf: Attach the Lower Shelf to the Sides with a 1/2" reveal on the back edge
- Select the Top Panel; Center and connect it to the Side Assemblies with a 1/2" reveal on the back edge, as shown above
Step 3: Finish the Computer Desk - Select the Finishing Materials
- Use Wood Filler for all holes
- Complete all finish sanding
- Apply a minimum of three coats of poly
Copyright 2013 - Wayne Murray
If you are a member of a non-profit organization and have any requests or suggestions regarding projects for your group, you can send Rod an email at: